After you have Opened a Patient’s profile, you will see data Dashboard composed of two main sets of elements: graphs and KPI (Key Performance Indicator) tiles.Additional elemenets at the bottom of the page are Measurements Table and Results Summary.
There are two main graphs in the dashboard.
All Graphs are plotted for the time Period set. You can either choose one the predefined periods or set one manually using the calendar on the right of this ribbon.
This graph depicts the number and percentage of readings in the selected period falling into personalized target ranges of the Patient. To learn more on the target ranges and other settings on the Patient profile please refer to chapter 4.10 of this user guide.
This graph depicts the readings on the time axis in the selected period falling into your personalized target ranges. To learn more on the target ranges and other settings please refer to chapter 4.10 of this user guide.
You can set different aggregations for the graph using Aggregated option in the Measurements Presentation section above the graph.
You can also group the readings by various options by using Grouped option:
All KPIs are calculated for the Period set. You can either choose one the predefined periods or set one manually using the calendar on the right of this ribbon.
Readings shows the number of results in the period we specified.
AVG Readings shows us the average number of readings per day over the period we have set.
Days without reading shows the number of days in which no reading was made over the period we have set.
Glucose Management Indicator, it is calculated using the following formula: 3.31 + 0.02392 x [overall average in mg / dl] and displayed as a percentage.
Very High and Very Low shows the number of readings outside your critical target range. To learn more on the target ranges and other settings please refer to chapter 2.11 of this user guide
Standard Deviation shows the standard deviation expressed in [mg / dL] or [mmol / L], calculated with all measurements over the selected period.
Average pre-meal, Average post-mealand Average
Average pre-meal: shows an average calculated only for results marked as pre-meal or fasting in the period set.
Average post-meal:shows an average calculated only for results marked as post-meal in the period set.
NOTE: If more than half of the readings in the selected period has no meal marker set then instead of these two KPIs only one Overall Average will be displayed, calculated for all the readings in that period.
Coefficient of variation is calculated as standard deviation / overall averageand displayed as a percentage
AGP View
You can switch your dashboard to AGP (Ambulatory Glucose Profile) mode using the AGP View toggle at the top of the page.
In this mode both graphs will show readings falling into target ranges defined for AGP and not your individual target ranges. You will see AMBULATORY GLUCOSE PROFILE (AGP) graph instead of the BLOOD GLUCOSE CONCENTRATION graph. Additionally there will be a set of small graphs below depicting the DAILY GLUCOSE PROFILE.
To generate reports on the currently open Patient navigate to Generate report dropdown in the top right corner of the screen:
Select one or many reports you want to generate. Click View Selected button. New browser tab will open displaying all the selected reports.
On the left hand side you wind a control menu showing options available for each displayed report:
After hovering mouse over the report name you will see options to download a single report or directly print it
(this option will open printing dialog depending on your local printer configuration).
Some reports will display custom options available (for example to show / hide empty rows of data in the Blood Sugar Diary Report). This options will immediately update the report displayed.
At the bottom of this section you can find Print and Download options for all files. Files will be downloaded one by one by the browser into your Downloads folder. Please note this process may take some time to complete.
Visits and notes
You can comment on your Patient results and datapoints during the face to face or online “virtual” visits. To switch the application into a Visit mode use Start visit button in the top right corner of the screen. You will notice that there are blue icon now displayed next to various elements.
You can click on any KPI or datapoint in the graph to open a Visit notes panel where you can comment on particular datapoints as well as make general comments.
You can input comments under each datapoint. To add another datapoint to comment on just click the selected item in the main dashboard and it will be added to the note.
Notes are by default Shared with the Patient who will be notified by email that a new note from you is waiting for him in the System tr read. If you would like to make a note that is not visible to Patient but only to other Healthcare Professionals in the Clinic please switch the tab to Private.
To review the notes from previous visits, please use the dropdown in the top of the Visit notes panel.
Patients will be able to reply to the shared notes within the system. You will get a push notification about a new reply from the Patient after you log in to
You can see the reply and continue discussion about the note by navigating to Patient profile and choosing Visits History option from his Profile menu next to his avatar.
You will see that there is 1 new reply to the particular Visit Notes. Click Show Notes button to see the reply