Using "Submit Feedback" feature you can easily let us know your feelings about Gluco Contro online application.
To to that you need to go to the right edge of screen while application is opened on the home page. Click on the button showed on the screenshot:
Once clicked, button will show some options that can be chosen by you (from "hate" to "love")
All you need to do now is to click on the emoticon that express your feelings about the app and as a next step you will be allowed to write a message for us:
You can also select elements on page you would like us to change, correct or improve.
After clicking the element selection button you will be able to select one of page elements. Hover over the elements and click on the element you want us to see. It will be surrounded by a yellow frame:
Once your message is ready you will be asked to provide your email address. It is not obligatory but will help us to follow up with you:
If you decided to provide us your email address please click "Send" button. Any other case please click "Skip". Message will be sent anyways but we will not be able to respond to you directly.